Let me preface by stating my skin color. Not that I think it should matter, but since this is a discussion about race, and society is stupid, I feel it pertinent. Like all humans, it’s a shade of brown, however, mine doesn’t have a lot of melanin, so some people perpetuating racism may call it white, but it I set my hand on a piece of paper it’s obviously still a shade of brown in comparison. That’s not to say that my life experience has been equivilent to that of a fellow human with more melanin.
I fully admit people that happen to have more melanin have, overall, had it rougher. This is not due to any inherent failing of people with more melanin, but simply hatred based off of being left handed or having a third nipple has fallen out of vogue about 500 years, and been replaced with more easily appraised melanin levels. This is good for me, as a third nippler, as it means I’m not getting burned at the stake while onlookers chant ‘Witch’.
Notice, I had to invent a word there. “Third nippler”. That’s because that form of racist-esque oppression has fallen so far from the norm that any more of its ancient slurs (other than ‘Witch' which is targeting religious groups I also share familiarity with, but am avoiding too much because it’d get off point) would be meaningless. But people now laugh at oppression based on a third nipple. It’s a joke. People, my ancestors, died as their blood boiled and skin blackened and in an insanely painful process that would get to their internally slower-to-heat nervous system last. Salem Massachusetts is famous for it. Third nipplists could never have been a thing like being racist. It’s absurd to think about. Hah hah. Now slavery, that was real.
Yes, they are different. There’s a big difference. It’s melanin-gauged hatred still exists to this day. Third-nipplism has been eradicated (not hatred of Witches, mind you. Witches are still stereotypical horror movie villians, hideously deformed, turning people into newts. Obviously they’re just a mythological creature. People in Salem didn’t have kids, that’s silly. Please ignore the plaque of Odin above my door, the crystal ball on my frontroom coffee table, or the replica 7ft tall dragon in my yard, my two black cats named after ideas from ancient lore, or the homage to Loki hidden in my family crest, or my intense fondness for books.)
So why do I insist we’re all shades of brown? Maybe, like many other melinin-deprived people, I’m erasing the struggles of the melanin-gifted. That must be it. (Please ignore the stereotype-defying support for defunding police, the marching against oppression I did in the bible belt where cops watched me like hawks with hands on their holsters, or attempting [and failing, but I tried] to run for local political office on the platform of bringing the poor [who are disproportionately minorities] up to middle class.) Noone would think that me using melanin levels instead of racially charged words is because third nipplism was eradicated by people literally just forgetting it was a thing. That would never work.That’s just silly. I must be someone overlooking Biden’s many failings (Don’t tell anyone I voted green party.)
People still hate witches though. But they don’t care about third nipples anymore, so we know witches don’t exist. Hah hah. It’s silly that King James changed a Bible verse about poison to read, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live?” That’s like banning unicorns. So silly. Witches didn’t go into hiding and were forgotten. They never existed. Nope, never existed. But those who burned them? They forgot. They’re the ones that had to do the forgetting. That was their job in making it so it never happened.
Completely unrelated note that has zero to do with the topic at hand, did you know American Muslims disproportionately have more melanin? It has nothing to do with this topic, just a random little factoid. Did you know 1% of the population has third nipples and 0.4% of the population identifies as witches? Silly Harry Potter roleplayers. Did you know 14% of the U.S. has significant melanin levels and 1.1% of the US population is Muslim? Oh, why do I ask? No reason.
I got called out recently for being Trans. He said they’re all God-hating atheists. He said he could tell I was and hiding it because my face was a rounder. He hated Trans people, but his correlation was just silly. Hah hah.